Saturday, April 10, 2010

More recipes

And here's the Koshary recipe, which includes the baked rice one.  I found it here.  Photo from Gourmet.

Update 4/12/10:  I made this last night.  The good news is that the baked rice part worked perfectly!  I was amazed.  AND I learned that fried up pasta is very tasty.  But overall the recipe seemed a lot of work for the flavor it yielded and I feel it could be improved.  It was a bit bland but somewhat satisfying.  Since there are basically four components to this dish, those being the caramelized onion, the fried cooked pasta, the fried cooked lentils, all of which go into the spiced, baked fluffy rice, I think it would be infinitely easier to do it with leftover beans and pasta.  I also think next time I try it I will use corn pasta ( I used rice pasta since I am gluten free) which maybe would be more flavorful and instead of lentils I'd use a can of red kidney beans, both of which will add some color.  And then add something green, like parsley because not only was it bland, but it was kind of ugly too :)!

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