Sunday, March 22, 2009


While following Gayla's link on her photoblog for graphic artist Lynda Barry, I discovered that Linda went to Evergreen! And she gave a talk about her teacher there...named Marilyn Frasca. Did you have her as a teacher too? Here is a sweet video Marilyn made that I thought you would enjoy.


ashlee said...

hey! yeah, i really wanted to take a class from marylin my first year, the year she was retiring for the second time... but it was all booked up, i even went to the first 3 classes to try to get in. she was very popular! and with good reason. the class i wanted to take had something to do with journaling as an art form - and it was right as i was getting into sabrina ward harrison.. thanks for the link! that's sort of weird cause that's what i did with the piece of wood i found.. (with the crow on it) i just looked and saw what was already there and brought the bird out...

vanessa said...

i really loved the soundtrack

Judy said...

I watched it again just to notice the music! I found this link for Gretchen Langheld:

I didn't find the "Open Window" one in the video, but I'm listening to "Sufi" now.

Ash and Vanessa, I love that we visit each other's blogs!

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